Rust in Pieces

My Suzuki might be totaled. One of my wheels fell off, smashed my fender, and my car skidded to a stop on my front left brake and underbody. On the way back from having it towed to Wright, we hit a pothole in Alicia’s ZX2 causing over $300 in damage.

I am without a car. My girlfriend is without a car. I have about $1000 I can spend on something that either has stickers, or could easily be inspected. I’d like to get something that can become a project when I get a new car. I’ll look at ugly automatic 240s, any kind of civic based car, whatever you have to show me.


Pics tonight.

what happened to that CRX u were getting from that lady u delivered pizza too ?

maybe this should teach you a lesson not to buy piece of shit econobox’s

If you must though… take your $1000, put it down on a newer Cobalt. At least they hold up after 2 years

because everyone can afford a Z06 and GTO on their salary :ugh:

ok smartass

if he can afford to make payments on a 05 suzuki reno that he purchased new, he can afford to make payments on a slightly used cobalt or equivelant which will hold up better. Your statement sounds like as if I chastized him for not buying a $30,000+ vehicle.

look here, faggot:

someone in service crossthreaded the nuts on one of my wheels, leading to me snapping them. The car IS BUILT BY GM. If you have an issue with quality, blame them. The only things Suzuki about it are the badges.

I wouldn’t finance a Cobalt with a stolen identity, and I surely wouldn’t drive one.


looked beautiful until i crawled under it and there were no rockers behind the plastic covers.

yeah what did happen to the CRX???

damn that sucks!!!

Owned. :bowrofl:

that sucks

calling me a faggot?

I’m not the one who drives a fuckin suzuki.

I dont give a fuck if its built by GM or god himself. Cobalt > Your car. I don’t give a fuck if it has a suzuki emblem or a big black dildo on your hood.

You just don’t know how crazy you come off, saying you would drive the Aveo’s retarded step brother of a car vs a cobalt.

I can’t go without 3-4 months without reading a thread about your fucking car going into service for this or that. I was merely coming off, giving you some advice, but fine fuck it. I hope the next piece of shit econotrashbox you buy falls apart while you’re going 65 mph (since the fuckers wont go past that) and it’s the end of you.

You are, truly, a huge piece of shit. Why don’t you leave the board again?

The guy buys a car, and expects it to keep the fucking wheels on. It is not his fault that one fell off. Why don’t you go sit in your two nice cars and just leave everyone alone on this board?

I can’t fucking stand your elitist attitude like your shit doesn’t stink.

Go make up some more lies.

agreed… blue z06 give the man a break…shit is going wrong thats not his fault and you are surely that one person there to rub it in his face like it was something he did…i don’t even know you but damn you are an asshole and in your other reply saying you hope his wheel comes off and it ends him…grow the fuck up

We all already know Chevy sucks. No matter what badge/dildo/lsx badge it has on it.

Go buy a new viper and shut the fuck up about our piece of shit cars breaking!!!

only an elitest when it comes to you…

p.s. go fuck yourself

he and I have a history, you can butt out too

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

I thought only 3 year olds say butt out :drama: :bowrofl: