Rust in Pieces

how long have you been trying to hook up with him?:bowrofl:

am I allowed to chime in?

Can Mike come out and play?:bowrofl:


Actually, the Reno’s a Daewoo with Suzuki badges.

where the fuck have you been:bowrofl:

Yeah Cobalts are for sissy’s, real BAMFs drive Suzuki Renos.

On a more serious note, sorry to hear that your car bit it. Good luck with the replacement.

At least he bought his own cars. :tool:

if you call it a car…

about time someone made that point.

sorry to hear he left you. maybe you were too controlling???

I’d fuckin walk before buying a peice of shit dodge.

Glad to hear you’re ok Blanyer. Sounds like it could have been worse.

last night i was going to make a thread to see if he was dead

i was thinking the same thing i thought mike died or was finally arrested for all that gay kiddy porn :love:

been busy. Moved into a new place. Got a sweet hookup, its a townhouse thats probably worth ~$700K… 3 story, garage, hot tub in the spare bedroom on the 3rd floor, right on the St. Martin’s River about a half mile from where it pours into the bay. Absolutely fucking beautiful view. I’ll have the whole bottom floor to myself come June, which is a fair sized bedroom, bathroom, and a 15x20 living room. I’m just set up in the living room right now, as the bedroom is occupied by my buddy’s friend who is shipping off to Iraq for a year and a half come June.

only paying $1200/mo in the summer, $800/mo in the offseason. so $600/mo in the summer, $400/mo 9 months out of the year. It’s actually cheaper than my old place. :bowdown:
Here’s some pics, I’ll try and get a real camera tomorrow and get some better ones.

Note the High Definition Digital douchebag on the tv. :kekegay:

nice place

nice place.

shaler, that sucks what hapened to you, sorry to hear. i dont understand why you hate cobalts either, but i gues thats not the point. hope everything works out.

damn…sorry to hear bout that…

& why is everyone bashing suzuki??

my wifes susuzki was problem free & a good runner for 4yrs.
ony reason we got rid of it was because we needed something bigger & wanted a little more then what a economy car provided.

i’d take her aerioSX hatch over a cobalt anyday & twice on sunday.

Why is it that men seem to think those tab top curtains belong on those white curtain rods? :rant:

haha…lookout martha stewart!

Sorry to hear about that… I hope you have gap insurance. :frowning:

You like pervy econo-boxes, well HonDUH finally brought your wet dream to America: the Fit. Hell I even thought about buying one. Just get something to get you around for as cheap as possible for now. Save as much as you can so when the insurance $ comes through you can get a Fit Sport.


fit’s are the gayest and ugliest honda’s ever made.