ok i like almost all cars import and domestic as long as you built it or that your car has somthing to bring the table, but i fucking hate highschool kids and their cobalt ss here is why http://videos.streetfire.net/search/cobalt+ss/12/a57d20e5-3ba6-4fd0-9d9b-cf63fd1e0119.htm
they all act like TOOLS [SIZE=2]and think they are fast so here is a big fuck you to all cobalt ss drivers /end rant[/SIZE]
lol i saw some colbalt driver in an orange one getting gas today. his hat was cocked to the side, army gear on, bumpin’ jt “my love”, pumped $2.50 cents…
as soon as that monster transmarobird gets outta ur garage KAT then you can really show em
That didnt look like a STi to me…
looked like a base impreza, maybe a rex, but no wing
Kinda looked like he lost to a WRX or an RS. :gotme: I didn’t bother turning on the volume, but were they happy for their loss?
By no means are all Cobalt drivers bad, but they certainly do seem to attract douche bags. And I thought the tC was going to be the next Grand Am…:roll2:
By no means are all Cobalt drivers bad, but they certainly do seem to attract douche bags.
your more right than i posted before not all cobalt drivers are bad people, some may even be cool , but most of them seem to be like the kids in this video
as soon as that monster transmarobird gets outta ur garage KAT then you can really show em
i dont want to show em i just wish they werent new to speed, that they had some grip on reality as to how fast there car is.
i dont want to show em i just wish they werent new to speed, that they had some grip on reality as to how fast there car is.
and if its their first car it will seem stupid fast to them.
fuck you too
have a nice day
[SIZE=2]and think they are fast so here is a big fuck you to all cobalt ss drivers /end rant[/SIZE]
I have seen STi’s without the rear spoiler… But idk if that was one of them. And the first thing he does is scream “Thats going on the internet”
Yeah I didn’t get why he said that. It was so unimpressive.
yea i have to agree if an SS was my first car i would think it was stupid fast, my first car a 2.0 auto sunbird and i thought that was a supercar at the time LOL…
I see almost one ass clowning Cobalt driver a day lately. I’ve met quite a few guys that are not in the “crowd” but, these other ones make them look bad. Kinda like anything else in life, “a few bad apples…”
There was a grey one that I gave da throttle to on z highway and he took off driving a good 70+mph for a good 4mi. till we got to the SAME stop light, and he/she spun off again. Then, the one that cut someone off on s.Transit so bad that the car that got cut off went into the ditch…and yeah, the cops are still looking for the kid eerr I mean “person”.
If u think of it, its just like 10yrs ago when I was 18 kids were buying camaros/firebirds/mustangs and acting the same way. :gotme:
:word: Cobalt SS’s are the new transmarostangs. Relatively cheap and quicker than most average cars. Hence 16-21 year olds get behind the wheel and think they’re Paul Walker. :mamoru:
Ruh roh, someone’s feelings are hurt.
meh not really. i actually agree that most of the cobalt SS drivers don’t have a clue and think it is faster than anything on the road. its a quick car for what it is, not fast.
^^^Have u ever had a run in with a GP? :snky: