It’s about 8am thrusday I’m driving my Envoy north on I-190 in the far left lane. As I pass the Niagara St exit this stupid kid in a Blk Colbalt SS cuts off this car in the middle lane from the far right lane. Then continues to squeeze in between me and this dodge truck. If I didnt slam on my brakes he would have side swipe me. He has a silver & black Cobra radar that how close he got to me.He is one of the worst drivers out there. He must think just because he has an SS his car is invincible. Stuid punk
leave him something to remember next time, like a bumper mark on his silly little toy car.
You’re just jealous…SS FTMFW!
This is why we need to make douchebag bumper stickers…
I got $20 that says he puts his car into a ditch this winter.
I got $20 that says if he tries that with my saturn I will put his ass into a wall.
wonder if this is the same toolbag that rips around my neighboorhood, kid is such a faggot
Coming out of UB south there was a black ss that would floor it at every light, and then just slam on the brakes for the next light (on baily). I wonder if it was the same one :tdown:
how fast were you driving?
sounds like a punk though :tdown:
cruisin speed of 65
You needn’t say more.
Just kidding. Now I am going to have all the Balters on my ass.
They’re fast…
j/k IMO they’re not worthy of an “SS” badge, but GM whores that name nowadays unfortunatly (sp?).
dooo it bable
$20 says this is the same kid that embarassed the shit out of himself trying to race that 350Z lol
actually 05orangeSS’s cobalt moves pretty fucking good, was VERY surprised
probably. I seen him on my way home from work. I was down on the rossler bridge and he gives me a rev and honks at me (I guess since I have a SOM SS). Then he hits the gas and turns left almost spins it out on dingens street. lol
Good luck getting near him with the 3-cylender Sataru. :tup:
Seriously that thing is defying all logic by running.
They’re faster than you think they are…well SOME of them…hopefully the spray will help mine(looking to make around 300whp on it)…Also I will admit most people that drive these cars are between the ages of 17-25, so they aren’t exactly the smartest people alive, most people on the cobalt forums only learned how to drive a manual car because the cobalt was their first car. Im pretty sure I could keep up with an lt1 car, as long as it doesn’t have TONS of mods.
Pretty much the same thing I encountered with the old Nissan. Funny how I was one of the few who managed to get over 60k on my car without having to replace the engine or tranny… :uhh:
seriously…people on that forum complain that their stock clutch has to be replaced after a couple thousand miles and then wonder why(their cars are completely STOCK too). More than likely it was the one kid who lives in williamsville. And if it IS him that is seriously his first car EVER. His brother got an RSX type S for his first car too. People shouldn’t give the car a bad rep just because privliged(sp?) kids get them for their first car, in my opinion 16 year old kids shouldn’t be handed the keys to a car like that for their very first car.
Engine swap?? I’d be down for a run sometime(as long as ur not heavily modded i.e a BIG cam/built motor)