some DOD rolling shots finally (slammed cobalt ss)

Agreed…or wear v-neck shirts!

no sandles bro?

theres actually darker up there than u would think because of the college so im sure he manages ok

is this actually super charged or is it the n/a ss

Who cares if its supercharged or not, it still looks like a bag of shit on wheels
And if nothing else it makes that benz that its parked across from look sick

my suggestion: beanies are for keeping your head warm, not a fashion accessory.

i agree on all counts

What? You agree on all counts yet you were the one who asked if it was supercharged???

You look like you drive that car… haha about all I can say

yea i was wondering if it was a actually decent car or just a meh

holy shit. I wouldnt even drive that as a beater and I have driven some pretty beat, beaters.

I’ll give you $50 for it.

30 minutes or less my ass.

It’s supercharged. Not that it matters, thing probably rides like a dump truck

A dumpy dump truck.

Yeah, with elephant shit in the back

and shitty pizza in the front, apparently.

im sorry but that car just looks like shit. beat to hell, gives you sensory overload etc. I respect what went into the suspension from seeing your build, but still. just way too much going on and a complete lack of regard for repairs

the front lip? i’ll replace it when i can. just gonna get trashed again anyway cause none of your shitty towns up here have the money to fix their roads. truth is guys i get a lot of attention at car meets, mostly good. obviously i don’t roll with your type of crowd. the disrespect shown in this thread is shameful. you’re a bunch of immature bullies. if you’re this pathetic on the internet i can’t imagine how bad it was for you in high school. i’m friendly and i make a lot of friends like that. you’ll never see someone say they’ve met me and that i was a dick. i just roll with it and let everyone do their own thing. at least i have friends because of who i am and not how many street races i’ve won or how much of a bitch i am to some tuning shop spending loads of money for respect. my car will continue to get featured all over blogs for years to come…and yours? you might sell it some day and it’ll just get forgotten. i am fucking legend.

Da fuck?