My Last HOORAH 9/16

lol. dunno what was going on here

Ive got a bunch more, but not anyhting i wont get yelled at for posting so thats about it :lol:

oh wait one more, there was a celebrity in the house, i proudly present.


I think most of those shots that I am in are after the shots started to kick in

Nah homie, I think this was after the shots had started to kick in…

haha :smiley:

ugh I am soooo glad I am not in those pics…I dont think I could keep my eyes open :lol:

looks like alot of fun…i’m so sorry I missed it.

HAHAHHAHA at spencer deep throating a bottle. :lol:

ummm yaaaahh… lot o drinkin goin on thurrr

but im going to tell a story that was not on camera

so, at about 1130 about 10 girls decide to pretend they are strippers and jump up on the bar and start dancing. mind you, these are IMO no older than 17 year old girls… they all clearly had waiii too much to drink. One decides to grab the stripper pole and do one some acrobatic maneuver and does a face plant onto the corner of the bar.

several people saw it from our group… she was knocked the f out with a 5 inch lump on her dome.

wowzers, what a night :stuck_out_tongue:

and that girl mrs karus. iam on the hunt for a specific picture so mike send me them all if u can

omg are you serial!!! hahahah kind of like this…

wai worse.

visualize a tree. a really big sequoia in the middle of the woods, and all the sudden TIM BERRRURRRRR and as that tree reaches horizontal there is a huge rock that the tree bounces off of.


she was knocked the f out!

i was actually really scared for her, but if i remember correctly, the bartender took care of the situation

lol :word:

jeff picked her ass up over his shoulder and carried her out of the bar. that was messed up though, that girl seriously rammed her head into the very sharp corner of that cooler like ludicrous speed. :uhh: Guaranteed concussion. All 4 of those girls up there were wasted though, lol I could tell they were noobs cause there was no way in hell they were gonna make it to 4am with being that wasted at 1130. trust me, i know this. :lol:

On a side note, I got a kiss on the cheek from my secret admirer. <3 Nice guy but I had to turn him down cause I dont do dudes. :gay2:

well then what do u call me and u