My new favorite show.

It’s called like Repo Men or something and it’s on channel 50. THere was like 4 episodes on last night and all of them were FUCKING AWESOME!

i got to see some guy have a siesure and fall over (he looked just like touretts guy it was hilarious)

then they went to repo this prius and the owner and like 3 other people were they went to take his whip and they like tried to cast magic on them and fucking one guy drew a line on the ground with his plastic sword. ahahahaha the HUGE repo guy started yelling and they all dropped their weapons mad quick. Then as the big guy is driving away in the car, this chick that was larping fucking is running after him screaming “is that any way to treat a princess!?!?!?” bahahahaha :ahh:rofl

oh and some guy pulled a knife and got knocked the fuck out. :bowdown:bowdown

Best show EVAR!

HAHA i watched it a couple weeks ago and last night as well, its definatly set up, but its entertaining!

operation repo… good show. I DVR the new episodes :slight_smile:

is it really set up?! :’(

Matt, when are the new episodes on so I can set my shit up to DVR them as well.

Did you guys see that fucking LARPing one?!!??! bahahaha i’ve never laughed so hard in my life. I love that entire channel, COPS is one of my favorite shows too, but it’s a completely different kind of entertainment than Operacion Repo.

you gotta be shitting me

Haven’t seen this show but I love Cops.

Yeah Operation Repo, awesome show, I dont think the old ones were fake but I think the new ones definitely are.

sunday i thought the repo ma was getting into ur trunk with that bright ass green shirt or sweater, that was being worn. holly fahk that thing was bright.


good show, did you see the one wear the muscle heads flips the car? thats a good one, i heard freebeer and hotwings talking about the larping this morning, fucking hilarious

lol awesome, i haven’t seen the dude flip the car yet, but i JUST found the show the other night.

I think the new ones are on either monday or tuesday at 10pm. Older episodes are awesome and Def NOT setup. These newer ones are a bit much. The LARPING one seemed pretty fake, but still hilarious.

I LOVE their truck. They should play the transformers theme song everytime the tow jack thingers come out.

they were talking about this show on the freebeer and hotwings morning show the other day. if you pause it there’s some small text in the beginning that says something like “this show is based on events or something”

that was one of the funnier episodes yet!!!

wtf with all the defaulting on loans you would think the shit would at least be fucking real LMAO

haha yeah it was real for a while. I think they were losing ratings and somehow someone though making up really lame stories with even worse actors would attract viewers.