My New Love

Nice nazi sled!! Definetely not something I picture you in, but very pimp. Enjoy it.

5 sp or auto?

that’s nice. you should put some 99+ headlights, taillights, and side trim on, and do shadowline (paint the chrome window trim with black trim paint) and it would be baller as f*ck. get some tint and it would be even more gangster

I plan on getting an e39 as my next dd. after this winter maybe


fucking pimp
Great Choice

^ yeah real nice buy

terrible buy, you could only afford 3500 of it and you bought a high milage bmw… your going to be broke as fuck and not be able to afford the maintnance… IMO

i have to ask, where’d ya get it from? there was a car just like this for sale a couple blocks away from my house. just wondering if it was the same one.

540 5 speed is my dream

Nice car. I hope it’s reliable for you cause 10 year old BMW’s aren’t cheap when they break.


terrible buy, you could only afford 3500 of it and you bought a high milage bmw… your going to be broke as fuck and not be able to afford the maintnance… IMO


yeah, buy a Civic :bloated:

Dawn, if you ever need any work done on it I got a guy that is a Expert in vehicle diagnostics and a pro mechanic. He is honest and inexpensive.


yeah, buy a Civic :bloated:



Nice car. I hope it’s reliable for you cause 10 year old BMW’s aren’t cheap when they break.



Very cool car, but you better hope nothing goes wrong with it.

And before the BMW guys come on and say how inexpensive it will be to maintain, realize that all of them know cars, and do their own work on cars. If you have to take this thing to a shop for anything, it will not be cheap.


terrible buy, you could only afford 3500 of it and you bought a high milage bmw… your going to be broke as fuck and not be able to afford the maintnance… IMO


uh, my mom OFFERED to buy me a car. it’s not like i was looking at $3500 cars and begged my mom for the money. it wasn’t about what i could afford and what i couldn’t. if i had to buy it all by myself i could have. and also, i don’t have bills to pay, so i doubt i’ll be “broke as fuck.”

thanks for raining on my parade.
i know shops that do good work that will give me a deal.
plus parts aren’t that expensive. they’re around the same price i’d be paying for parts for the audi.

i’m not a dummy. :slight_smile:



i have to ask, where’d ya get it from? there was a car just like this for sale a couple blocks away from my house. just wondering if it was the same one.


yeah i bought it from the dude by your house off of longfield??.. or something in amherst. my mom lives right on eggert. dude i bought it from is mad creepy.


And before the BMW guys come on and say how inexpensive it will be to maintain, realize that all of them know cars, and do their own work on cars. If you have to take this thing to a shop for anything, it will not be cheap.


This is true, I cannot think of any of the bimmer guys on the board who havent worked on their cars to some extent (even Skunk). As I’m sure you know from owning your Audi, parts are not cheap, and labor is even worse. Did you have an extensive PPI done before you purchased it? Stack of bills is nice, but a good PPI is better.

If she likes it that’s what matters.

you should definitely ghostride that whip

Nice buy…I like them alot.

Good luck with it.

Nice pickup.

nice car. :tup: