My Turbo E30 thread, ABORTED. info on page 7, post 170.

Got some updates…

Everything is in and settled in the new garage. we got the car up on jackstands and finished pulling the head. Pulling the head was super shitty because we pulled both the head and the intake manifold off as 1 piece. took us about 2 hours to get everything out of the way. we’re gonna need to replace some hoses as they were so dry rotted and disgusting inside.
once the head was off we ended up cutting the exhaust off with a hack saw LOL.

After we pulled the head we discovered that the head gasket was OBVIOUSLY blown:

and when i drained the oil it was basically clear-green because there was so much antifreeze in it. when we drained the radiator there was also a decent amount of oil in there too…

after we got the head off and out of the way we started to clean up the engine bay a bit with some degreaser. in the process we pulled out the AC to lose some weight, and it also most likely didn’t work anyways.

for how little time we spent in the garage and how cold it was in there we got a good chunk of work done.

oh…and my new toys also helped make the job easier :slight_smile:

thats a terrible pic of the box, my camera batteries died before i could take a better one. I will have more pics and updates tomorrow :smiley: