Myspace ads...

Ok, most of you are on myspace. Even butch is! Anyways… we’ve all seen the flash games that are over to the right on our homepages.

I have two questions about this:

  1. Myspace was just sold for like 4 million dollars or some shit… Are the ads for a “free ringtone” and “next generation smileys” really bringing in that much revenue to justify this? Granted, the movie ads and some other things may be profitable, but WTF. (i am sure this question has a logical answer… i have a feeling that some of these ad spaces have been contracted and we are going to be bombarded with big name products at some point)

  2. WHO THE FUCK COMES UP WITH THESE GAMES. Really. My favorite so far has been: “defeat the general”, in which your character, a skinny white boy with blonde hair and blue eyes is forced to blow into a tube containing a free floating grenade. Each breath moves the greanade closer and closer to your opponent, who bears a striking resemblance to General Patton + 100 lbs of muscle. Of course anyone with basic hand eye coordination can win this game, and assuming you’ve actually managed to use the keyboard to login to myspace, i think you’ll do just fine. In fact, I think stephen hawking could play and win. The thing is that these games seem to have no relevance to ANYTHING. at all. i mean, i know they are games and all, but it’s like they just randomly drew verbs and nouns and that was a game theme.

blow, general, grenade: “looks like we have ourselves a siiq game.”

Some games were ever so slightly relevant to some controversial topics. You control george bush who is faced off against osama bin laden, both of whom are riding excercise bikes that appear to control oil pumps. first one to fill their container wins… you guessed it: a free ringtone.

But it’s the off the wall things that just baffle the shit out of me.

Another. two octopi are racing some sort of tricycles down a densely by pedaling with 2 tentacles, steering with two more, while hitting eachother with hammers… I’d really like to meet the person who conceptualized this idea…

“win the octopus race: get a no charge ringtone”

I mean, they are just trying to have a catchy interactive ad, but why not click to get angelina jolie or brad pitt naked?

EDIT: IB4someonesaystheadsmustworkbecauseyouaretalkingaboutthem.

4 million? Try $580 Million AND they just inked a deal worth $900 million for advertising and search rights

haha, i was way off… but it only strengthens what i’m saying.

i have 95% of online ads blocked …so that stupid shit doesnt bother me … and myspace is the site that finaly got me to do it

how do you do that?

The thing you’re really underestimating is how fucking stupid the average person is. Yeah, we see Google ads and say “who the fuck clicks on those”…TONS OF PEOPLE.

^ if you have Firefox, you can selectively play flash files…default being “don’t play”. :slight_smile:

well, while i realize that, what i don’t understand is WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT OF IT. It has to be drug induced… HAS TO BE.

word to how do you block them?

and does myspace still have the pornstars posing as local girls for that dating service? lol.

omg i love those games… i play them every time… i like the swimming with deadly fish chasing after you game… or the plumber with poop following after him…

in FF it blocks the pop ups soo its all good :slight_smile:
my suggestion is getting Bon Echo (FF 2.0 )

^ yes. lol

edit: for sureshot…I’m a tad slow…hehe

any ads that you see aftr doing this, just add them to the list and resave the host file. ive got a shortcut to the host file on my desktop for easy editing

ive also blocked a TON of myspace related sites, like 123video and shit, that way i dont have to listen to 3 songs play at once on some fucktards myspace page

joe, do u have a link to the deal that they signed regarding the advertising rights? i know supposedly they made back $90 million the past year from ad revenue… but, the question is - how long will myspace stay popular? it looked like it might make money based on the 580 million sold for price, but 900 million for ad rights seems impressive. what a job it would be sub selling space/time to all kinds of companies. prolly charging like .50 - .75 / click to try and make money, which is a pretty high amount.

:word: I always play them too.

FF blocks the site from coming up, so why not?

Also when you get this free ringtone, you’re signed up for a service to get more @ like $9/mo or some stupid shit…so yeah…they’re profitable

i like the one where you try to get the old lady to cross the road by clicking the button. but if you don’t do it right, she gets nailed by a car.

Why does it matter?

Who thought of nuclear fission?
How is nuclear fission used?

haha, i’m just curious. i think i’d like to have lunch with the person who did… so long as i was not forced to blow my food across the table or something.

When You consider the target audience that these ad’s are effecting… that’s a CHEAP price.

I don’t Myspce… [/disclaimer]

Okay, consider the parameters You have to work with. 100*900 pixels; SIMPLE; cathcy; flash (but low rez/size); simple inputs (mice & keys)…

They are not going to be able to make a MMORPG or FPS out of it.

Whats that leave them? Tic Tac Toe? Pfffft… that market’s covered by sites like MSN’s Gamezone and Pogo and the like.

Okay, well, they need to create this small and simple game that can be fiddled with for minutes, or even hours. But it still has to be easily abandoned (to attend to IM’s, work, orgys, etc).

Hmm… what simple game (IRL) can accomplish this sort of chicanery? Ball & Cup. FTW.

How many different ways can we incorporate ball & cup into the aforementioned delivery package? … well, literally thousands.

BUT! How to keep it fresh, attractive, and enticing (considering it’s simplicity)? Use “current” hedlines & popular taglines. Something that will cause a Myspacer’ to take a moment of pause… just enough to click.

BUT! We don’t want to be too political, or encroach on the news rags & MTV. How about something army-like, to keep abreast of “the War”? Okay, but we dont want to overstep -or- overstate (because EVERY marketing noob knows that this culture can be hypersensitive), how about a silly cartoon.

Okay, lets make it so You throw grenades at a mockery of a general? That is just a bit political; just a bit of sports; and just enough coordination required. But what about the “under the influence” group? hmm…

I quit… not enought interest to keep typing…