myspace links

lol i use to work for the dept of defense. lol Actually I have to give this presentation to 850 freshman and parents this weekend. I’ve found some awesome profiles of them drinking and talking about doing lines of coke. I’m sure their parents will get a kick out it.

I just made one for the hell of it

how the fuck do I change the background and shit like that?

just put a search in for myspace layouts ( I know of a few good one but can’t think right now of the addresses ) then when you see the layout you like they will give you a code for it…copy the code and then got into editing your profile and in the “about me” section after whatever it is you wrote…paste the code then submit the changes …AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!

hahaha I knew it had to be something compicated like that :slight_smile:

edit - check that shit out now! thanks Hw

btw where in the south hills you at?

Baldwin right off of Rt. 51 …your welcome

i dont think i posted up on here yet.

yeah that’s like 10miles away

from what??

hell :stuck_out_tongue:



ha you’re callin me weird

who the fuck makes a post about “pimp shoes”

:rofl: :finger:

It’s sooooo much fun seeing how many of you visit my profile. :wink:

I actually found a myspace tracker that works (no this is not spam or a way to phish for your login/password). I’ve been using it for about a month and it gives you a nice little page that shows profiles of all the people that have looked at your site.

sorry im a lil late wit this but …

Does that thing even work?

yup, i’ve been using it for 2 weeks now and I have honestly been surprised by the kinds of people that are hitting my site.

I’ve attached a screenshot of how it shows you who has been to your site

thats funny… yah I started to use it…it actually works… mp3ray is always looking at my myspace… mostly late night stuff :naughty:

keep dreaming and maybe that fantasy will be fullfilled :wink:

yes you know you are in those dreams!