myspace links

how does it work? i signed up and either no one is looking at my myspace or i dont know wtf im doin LOL

I think the program or site is down

I have a message it’s temporarily down…

Once you sign up they send you login info to your email. Then you log in to get your code, paste your code where it tells you to on your myspace site, then wait for people to hit your site.

I just tried to sign up. Damn pittspeed memebers flooding the page.

they just upgraded their servers last week, but word must have got out more that this thing actually works. They have been great with communication, so hopefullly this is only temporary

How does it show up on your site though? Like does it come in as a new message, or does another clickable link pop up somewhere.

you have to go to their site and log in to see who has been to your myspace page. Check out the attachment in my previous message. The only thing you have to do to your myspace page is put the code into the Hero’s section.

gotcha! i just thought it would show up somewhere on my myspace page! thanks!

good find on the tracker…

so what if you just log off and go look at someones page? lol

I think it logs your IP addy on the profile tracker. There is a section called “Unidentified Visitor” and it shows the IP address, location and date. No other info. Sometimes the location is wrong, for example I had my coworker test it so I can see her come up, her myspace page says Silver Spring MD, but the location was NYC. Also, if your page is private, you won’t get any visitors, but the ones on your friends list.

There is really nothing on it though, and thanks for that tracker thing!

As always, I’m late to the party

watching you get burnyd’s panties in a bunch is becoming one of my favorite things about Pittspeed.


speaking of panties… remind me to PM her. She left some stuff over at my house that i need to return.