Facebook sucks ie social networking fail

I just deactivated mine. I was not getting anything useful out of it, and the only thing people seem to be using it for is updating the world on how senseless and immature they are.

Shift518, without a doubt, fulfills all of my internet social networking needs.

Hahaha. So true.

well honestly facebook and myspace are really dumb, This forum does give satisfaction because you already know quite a few people on here and more than likely will mee more a times go by, Facebook and MySpace are just look at my and how cool I am and honestly I dont care. I would delete them BUT it also helps in getting Cars4Cancer message out there

I only use facebook to keep in touch with family and classmates. Otherwise, I def spend more time on here!

Shift FTW!

I only have facebook and I recently cleaned up my friends list, went from 70 or 80 something friends down to less than 20. Will probably just end up deleting it soon.

I just check out hot girls on FB, thats about it…

I have neither, no need for them.

People are pathetic about constantly checking them, updating their status, etc. Retarded.

People look at me crosseyed when I tell them I’ve never had a fb/ms.

Been active on automotive forums for years though, mostly s2ki the past year or so.

Plus rap.

It was a great idea when it was college students only. As a Freshman at Siena back when I created a FB account, it was a great way to communicate with people before meeting them on campus. I met a bunch of friends that way.

Now it’s a joke. High school nonsense, family members acting like they are 12, girls making that FUCKING KISSY FACE in their dirty mirrors… useless (unless said kissy face is wrapped around my dick).

I’ll delete mine if my parents ever sign up.

My mom and dad do not have an account, but my aunts/uncles/cousins do.

I’m a fan of Facebook for organizing ski trips and mountain bike rides, and pictures. Thats about it.

Ha ha I’ve had a pending friend request from my mother for the last couple of months.

  • 1 shift really fills the plate and keeps you busy doing favors for everyone else and having no free time left over


  • 1 here and there :stuck_out_tongue:

but i didnt want to get a FB for a long ass time, and myspace was the only other thing i had and i hate it, fuck that site lol it sold its ass to advertisers and spam

i only got a FB initially to talk with my cousins from aroudn the world as its really a pain in the ass to keep in touch, and since all of them have it, it only made sense for me to finally get it.

WHAT i did realize tho, is that facebook is an awesome way to keep all your photos somewhere that you wont worry about deleting or loosing… its cool because if i want to show anyone pictures of trips i went on or whatever, just load up my facebook and boom there we go… so because of that I like facebook

another thing about the FB shit is that its good for networking, with what i do on web crap and music shit its really become an awesome way to meet new people to work with and all that noise

so yea social networking, you need to be careful on how you use it, used properly its surely an awesome tool that everyone can take advantage of

BUT if its your fucking life and you have no business (literally) on there then stop wasting your pathetic time and G T F O !

I use it for amusement , family that lives out of state and the game lol. usually just use shift for all my amusement but. shift has been boring me lately and needed to take a break from it. !!! sick of brett e thugging me u bitch !!!


hahhahahaha I am drunk and this comment :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

i havre never had a myspace ever but i dont mind facebook. im not ADDICTED to it like some people but i like looking at the “homepage” at what some of my friends are doing and it is a decent way to meet people/reemmber people’s names lolllll

haha thats the only reason why im on there too! haha

I think what I am going to do is just clean up my friends list and get rid of old pictures and what not. Basically make it look presentable. Now that I think of it I do use it to keep in touch with friends who live on L.I. and all over, so it’s worth keeping at least until something new comes out.