Facebook sucks ie social networking fail

its really nothing that bad, it becomes bad when you get addicted to it and go there too much, otherwise its fine

btw dont delete me motherfucker !


Don’t worry Singh, I won’t delete you as a friend.

:lol thanks friend

no problem bffe!!!

I use facebook to talk to my sister and brother who live out on the west coast and to talk to a few close friends i have in canada

i spend more time on my wife than on face book or myspace LOL… and for the record thats not allot LMAO

I havent made a facebook yet and dont know if I will. Ive got a myspace but I never really go on it.

they have a ban going on, on sexual predators any way’s so ur account prob would get cancelled soon anyway’s so i wouldn’t bother if i were u !! lol:haha

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Hey now Im not into that predatoring shit

thats not what this site says:


and :rofl @ kramer

Stalker what ever !! it all falls in the same catergory !!lol

Yup. I’ve only been on it a few months but FB has turned out to be pretty awesome.

A cousin of mine from Italy I haven’t seen in 22 years just contacted me, turns out both he and my other cousin there are Law Enforcement Officers. And last week I received a message from someone I haven’t seen in a very long time, he said he is an Auto Theft Investigator for DMV in Long Island.

FB and Myspace are lame. Real men/women go out on dates, not type them into the internet. LOL Yeah I have both but havnt logged in, in over a year to FB, (signed up to find ONE friend, lol) and a myspace, again to find old friends and share pics… but havnt been in that for months. it is a FAD. and I hate conforming.


I agree with this 100% texting on a phone WEAKSAUCE RIGHT THERE


I dont stalk anybody either. Im not as creepy as you guys all make me seem.

Yeah, maybe Im a bit weird but Im not a pedophile, rapist, stalker, fag or whatever else people seem to think I am.

this picture taken 5/12/07 tells a different story


paul you should whoop these lil fuckers asses when u see them next time instead of shaking hands, then u’ll see how they respect u on the forums haha