Facebook or Myspace???

What do you like better? I personally think Myspace is out of hand with spam. Facebook is clean, to the point and very well designed. Opinions?

Facebook is way better. Not a fan of the apps though. Those things suck.

i had myspace from way back before it got all retarded,
then switched to facebook because it wassnt available to just anyone…
then they opened it to everyone and now i dont visit either one anymore.


What do you like better? I personally think Myspace is out of hand with spam. Facebook is clean, to the point and very well designed. Opinions?


you are too old for either. :wink:

Do they allow shirtless pics on facebook?


you are too old for either. :wink:


OLD? LOL…nahhhhhhh

hahaha… i was a myspace addict… then facebook came along… <'ed facebook… but I hate all the app’s and I think facebook is getting out of control, and while being away at school…my friends at home are mroe of myspace ppl not facebook ppl… so myspace FTW!



I used to like MySpace to meet sluts and facebook to interact with school people.

Recently tho and even more after the news update about facebook opening to advertisers, I think I might be moving away from them both and resulting to Slashdot and Digg to meet girls.


you are too old for either. :wink:


my thoughts exactly :slight_smile: perv

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:11,topic:38402"”]

my thoughts exactly :slight_smile: perv


I am STILL waiting for those -(.)-(.)- pics Mrs. Karus :rant:

they both suck


So many good looking girls every time i’m in there, myspace and facebook are both played out.


I have both…But I like facebook better

myspace is easy to navigate through and facebook has weird things like food fights, pirates and gift-giving lolol…so my vote goes to myspace.

^^wrd… i have both… and like both

but lately with facebook and all these food fight invites, and ninja invites, pirate invites and things saying ive been karte chopped by so and so or they threw a sheep at me… i hate it.

i dont want a fucking sheep thrown at me, so why on earth would you do it.




^^wrd… i have both… and like both

but lately with facebook and all these food fight invites, and ninja invites, pirate invites and things saying ive been karte chopped by so and so or they threw a sheep at me… i hate it.

i dont want a fucking sheep thrown at me, so why on earth would you do it.



You have been hit by :spam:. You wil be getting hit with a sheep later in the day!