Myspace going down the shitter?

So it’s been a growing problem i’ve noticed recently, and today it went nuts…

usually i get like 1 or 2 requests from spam accounts to be friends…well, since last night…i have about 90 new ones, literally…site musta got hacked pretty good or something, because this is outta control.

anybody else experiencing this?

just thought i’d share since a good majority of the people on here are on there, and will probably also have to deal with the annoyance…

that happened to me when i added new pics for halloween…81 friend requests overnight. go to your privacy settings and require image verification to be added as a friend, it worked for me


going down the shitter? its always been lame lol


I get a few porn bot requests every other day, its only like 2 or 3. no biggie.

its good for bands…


going down the shitter? its always been lame lol




its good for bands…


Thats why I joined.

Myspace fucking rocks!

i get 100’s of messages from nobodies every day. then my friends get pissed when i don’t respond to them via messages.

it never LEFT the shitter.



going down the shitter? its always been lame lol


x eleventybillion+1

What’s myspace?


Myspace fucking rocks!


I believe you

i don’t know if you guys have heard about this new site yet, but i’ll fill you in on a little known secret:

friendster > *

My space was only good before Tom sold out. Now with all the movie themes, porn profiles, script kiddies running their 1,000 flash videos on their profiles and random code pasting, the site is shit. Oh, not to mention the random “errors” you get when you try to do something useful on there like message a 16 year old high school girl.

Facebook is even turning to shit with all the applications. Yes, some are very cool and useful again, its turning into a random profile fest and I am sick of seeing advertisements in the feed and who supports what products.

i love MySpace

Overrated from the start. Though a useful social networking tool when used properly.