pittspeed myspace group > *

we need to keep building it though!

ill spread the word in my other groups

I have no idea how to add people or viceversa

what the hell is with all this myspace bullshit all the sudden?

its the best thing goin if u want you or ur site to get noticed

all of a sudden? welcome to last year :dunno:

yeah myspace has been the hotness for a while… its just a good way to meet people, catch up with old friends and its fun.

so many people using that shit you can’t even browse quickly anymore

my “myspace” is so old…didn’t even have one upgrade on the z lol…had to delete all my pics etc b/c i kept getting leghumped…but fwiw i joined :slight_smile:

its definitely getting beat on

Be_rad uses facebook!

i found out my bf (now ex) was cheating on me through his myspace profile.

I hear thats going around…

myspace relationships the new cool thing

no i don’t, and i don’t use myspace either.

so much jailbait its almost not funny

lol…yeah its the cool thing for my brother and his friends (9th grade) Very big for the 15 and 16 year olds age groups.

i wish this shit was around when i was that age… the possibilities…

yeah really, I feel old


i dont…everyone i hang around with is older than me. keeps me feelin young

I wish I thought of myspace before tom did.