Facebook sucks ie social networking fail

i think it is you that fail, you wanted something useful out of using facebook.

i laugh every time i see this pic. + rep to you.

i can’t take full credit for it, LKSi (i believe) did the photochop and red lettering, i just put it in the motivational thing and hosted it :rofl

holy shit gloves on facebook HAHAHA

hed just post 32984237 pics of his mercury hornet or whatever the hell he had :rofl :rofl

Gloves’s wife would be more prone.


Facebook …

ahah Since my thread was deleted …

Oh, Bobby. :facepalm :Idiots

When my pic gets posted It stays there.WTF

Pic of Brett Wheeler…disappears !!!

This is how you do it man:

Vovchandr : Edited to prevent further drama.

He’s gonna be pissed…



Come on guys. Respect the guy’s privacy a little.

Fuck that !!!

I get shit all the time in all my threads.On my facebook as well, so this is really nothing.My pictures have been posted in this site many times!!

Anxiously awaiting Mr. Wheeler’s response to this.

My dad used to work there when it was Freihofers for 15 years.

And yeah Brett’s gonna delete that so make sure you save that pic on your computer if you intend to use it in the future.

Brett is en route to H2O - he cannot respond and has no knowledge of this. I know he will not be happy.


Its saved !

honestly its just a picture of himself and it looks like he took the pic himself so he must have put it online and I dunno about the rest of ya BUT seriously I wouldnt give a shit:lmao