Myspace no workie?

Shit, there is this girl i’m supposed to meet up with tonight (didn’t meet her off myspace, scumbags) and she messaged me on myspace and I can’t log on :frowning:

just me? or is this everyone

works fine for me :gotme:

sometimes it seems like they’re working on your section of the server or something… sometimes mine doesn’t work like that, or i can’t view someone’s profile - at all

give it like an hour or so, hope it starts allowing you in soon

EDIT: at least it works better than a few months ago, that used to suck

Nothing works in the land of make believe Howie… you should know that :stuck_out_tongue:

It was giving me some problems a little bit ago too…

What is your login and password ? We’ll check. lol

works for me, just replied to someones message

it works!


pdaphone ftw, i’m a huge loser

omg, thank god its working again.

i was just about to use this…

Is that a suppository?

i think so. i just did a google image search and typed in “pills that will fit in my ass.”

:lol: chris