n00bie Bashing - needs more clarify.

Have we become so politically correct here that you are not going to allow the forum to weed out the weak, meek, and those members who will not last 5 posts into “Speeder Jr.”?

Out of curiousity, what is the post count threshold to get to Speeder Jr. from n00bie?

Because, if they are so likely to be “attacked” during that n00bie period, they prolly aren’t long for this community.

Furthermore, isn’t the n00bie tag specfically denoted for an initiation period?

These are the questions that I think of, while bored, at work, on a Thursday night, slightly hungover.

i think its like 50 posts from noob to speeder jr. But please do give examples of what is considered to be noob bashing/ or acceptable poking fun at

20 posts


so what if a noob flames you for a “stupid idea” or “bad info” … but in all reality your correct and the noobs just a moron ?

flaming his stupidity ok then ?

I think blindly flaming noobs just because of their noob status does nothing to better the community. However, if the noob is trolling or attention whoring, as illustrated by a few of the recent noobs, then it’s fair game.


I always knew you were a good guy lol :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re just sayin take it easy on the new guys. Give them a chance to prove whether or not they suck.

I mean, come on. You don’t want to chase away some new window licker before he gets to provide us with sufficient entertainment do you?

I’m not talking about blindly attacking n00bs simply beacuse they’re n00bs. I’m talking about talking shit to them because they post something idiotic.

Ref: “Kid bankrupts Make-a-wish” thread.

What if the say hi and post a pic of them wearing makeup and post a vid of them almost smashing into a wall and theyre still under noob status?

no names obviously, but if you do something like that to NYSpeed you are volnuable I would think, no?

It doesn’t take 20 posts to prove that :stuck_out_tongue:

:uhh: :rofl: Try to restrain from telling them exactly how you feel, especially in their intro thread. Odds are it won’t be long until any gray area is gone…

I guess another problem is that the n00bs that really deserve a good e-flogging take forever to hit 20 posts since they’re just fucking off in OT constanly. (Yes, pot-kettle…)

Just don’t flame anyone in the intro subforum. Other than that try and have a bit of tolerance for stupidity.

having trouble finding this!

then you guys need to get on the same page (rubicant). :slight_smile:


Naw he’s saying the same thing: Don’t flame a n00b unless they really deserve it.

lol. that’s funny.

also node hondaride constantly flipping out.


Yea, that kid isn’t long for this forum.

mmhmm, sure.

You make a dumb fucking post in the Newbie Section, no one can call you on it.

You make a dumb fucking post in OT, you’re going to hear about it.

Fine, I can do that. No problem.

Now, has anyone considered the difference between the two subforums? OT & Classifieds drive this forum. In the summer Kills used to bring in a fair bit of traffic (No RX3, I don’t have any net’stats to verify this, but if you honestly think otherwise, then you don’t spend enough time here)… leave these things alone, and the forum will be fine. New members are safe in newbie section, if they’re an idiot anywhere else, then they’re an idiot.

You know, this is becoming far too repetitive. I’ll see you all in a few months.