Looking to sell my last piece of aero. Its rep of Navan side skirt and fitment is good. Its made of fibreglass and has.two small crack that can be repaired- check my kijiji ad for photo and more detail.
Looking for 350
Looking to sell my last piece of aero. Its rep of Navan side skirt and fitment is good. Its made of fibreglass and has.two small crack that can be repaired- check my kijiji ad for photo and more detail.
Looking for 350
Come on lets get this sold
Price is obo
300 OBO Need money
Lots of interest but no cash
Should have got these when I was in the market numb nutz!
Lots of interest but why no money son
Any Picts
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Bump Bump
for fucks sake people.
there are so many awesome parts for sale on this forum and nobody can get rid of them. 5 years ago 90 percent of the parts for sale today would have been gone in a matter of hours, and people racing from all over to be the first person there to buy the item.
now a days it seems everybody is just a dreamer.
these are THE BEST style s14 side skirts available. NOTHING else looks better than navan side skirts. these should have been sold by the first person with an s14 without side skirts to view this ad.
i have navans for my s14, otherwise these would be on my car.
It’s a reflection of the economy today unfortunately not everyone is able to
Blow that kind of cash as they used to.
Big like for you skyline_guy777 O.o
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Thanks bud lol but best of luck for the sale for the OP
While these are awesome side skirts,ppl should know they are slightly differnt than navans,they
Have a higher center arch,but if anything that should make you want them more! This way your sideskirts will be just a bit different than everyone elses.
Tax season is around the corner so i’ll wait until then