NBC NHL broadcasting

this has to be THE WORST hockey broadcast i have ever watched. its even worse than fox and their stupid tail that used to be on the puck. they don’t even announce the game, they just talk about random CRAP instead of talking about whats actually happening. not to mention these stupid comments from the girl reading off the cue cards that make me want to hit the mute button. GIVE ME RICK AND JIM!

ya… im pissed too…

finally i can get to watch a sabers game and they are talking about visors and how many goals philly is down

bah, i here ya, but atleast i get to watch it in HD.


LOL, so im not the only one. I’ve been bitching at these awful announcers the whole damn game. They’re so terrible.

They aren’t the worst ever, OLN was worse in my opinion, we’re just really spoiled cause we have one of the best ever.

ya theyre soo over dramatic, and always looking for the 'gme within the game" so fkin lame. Cammy granato sucks too. Emerck kept callin Mckee-“McKay” assholes. totally lame coverage.

Greatest part is that WGR had the game on and it was in perfect time with the broadcast :tup:

naw benj…i listened to this shit too the whole game…for some reason theres no radio in my frends house…i was bitching for the first period “shut the fuck up and tell me whats goin on, not stats you assholes” if i was blinc i wouldve had no idea wtf was going on…jesus christ… anyways, we fuckin won

they all of a sudden just started talking about the canadian dollar :lol: WTF…

i would just mute it and put on wgr 55

yea WTF was that all about! me and my friends all turned to each other saying the same thing. those announcers SUCKED, theres nothing like having 2 color guys and no actual play by play guy… cant wait for game 6 back on MSG!

there’s a delay

There was no delay today as I pointed out already…in fact they were about spot on.

Yeah the announcers blew. But it rocked to watch a sabres game on my big screen sony finally :tup:

The HD feed is on just enough delay that it makes it impossible to listen to the radio.

But, as much as I love listening to Rick and Jim, I’ll give up that to see the game in HD. It looked simply AMAZING. 51" widescreen HD. I had several “HD virgins” here today and heard lots of “OMG, you can see the scratches on the ice” type comments.

Well thats different…but on the good ole 27" cable fed…its spot on :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah i did the same thing today. I can never watch the sabres play without rick and jim. The nbc feed was a hair behind but you couldn’t really notice it.

yeah…i noticed it a few times…but at most 1/2 of a second.

But way better then listening to garbage NBC…we tried for the first 5 min and every other word was Forsberg and we were getting angry so on WGR came

when i watched it one hd i new it was behind because i would here the guy downstairs chear about 5 seconds before the score. Kinda pissed me off. fucking spoiler…