NECC T-Shirt Styles -- What Do You Want?

That would look pretty sweet.

I like SRBURG13’s idea

are these shirts a for sure go? also i had an idea of maybe the golf shirts with our logo on the front and the sponsers on the back or something? just an idea

They’re not a “go” yet, but will be in the next few months. I like golf shirts.

yeah golf shirts for sure …

NECC wife beaters foo shooo

with some spinna chainz on the neck too

Someone mentioned hoodies…For all those cold meets.

Well, hopefully over reading week here, we can figure something out.

Personally I would like to see golf shirts cause they are pimp, and no one else has them I think.

NECC writting small on the chest and perhaps if its cheap enough, that silvia drifting on the back side. I doubt it though, I think it’s going to be pricey.

Black golf shirt with red NECC writting???

Yeah, although I didnt like the golf shirt idea at first, I have changed my mind. It would be way too hard to come up with a graphic for a t-shirt that would please everyone. And golf shirts are high class.

If golf shirts are high class, why would anyone in the NECC need them? :smiley:

Still in favor of the long-sleeve, but whatever. I’ll buy a club shirt if it looks cool enough, regardless of style. After all, I think my early 90’s metal shirts are wearing a little thin… :wink:


put me down for a golf shirt!!

Ohh, so we are bringing this topic up again…Maybe we could talk about it @ the next meeting. Till then you all can vote, design, and find out what it would cost. Does anyone know where a good place is to go and get some tops done?


not a golf shirt fan.

golf shirt all the way.

But what about the hot meets? Nobody is gonna want to weaar their hoodies then. :rolleyes:

Well, then you buy 2 hoodies, and cut the sleeves off one. Chicks dig a guy that can improvise…I think… :smiley:

Seriously, wouldn’t you just slap a dude that had a sleveless hoodie? :smiley:

I take offense to that! I enjoy my sleeveless hoodie!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, as Duke Nukem once said…

I think we should get some t-shirts with a huge mass of gold chains printed onto the front, and then get “I pity the foo who drives a Honda” printed on the back. Then we all get mohawks…and then we form the world’s first Mr.T cult. I think I over caffinated my coffee this morning. :smiley:

Hahahaa lay off the coffee and get a job! :smiley: