Shift518 shirt ideas...

Well, I’m going to take the lead on this one.

I have access to a screen printer and some people that can design as well.

Post your idea’s what you would like on a shirt.

(As long as Vlad is fine with his logo being put on a shirt)

I have some idea’s in my head on what we can do.

I can keep costs to a minimun as well, wouldn’t be more than $7 dollars a shirt or so. I can make hoodies for more as well.

Post up. :vlad


And i’d get a couple shirts :slight_smile:

I can make stickers if there is interest for that as well.

These were the two I started playing around with a while ago when we were talking about making shirts…

nicole for president

Please dont make them serious like “We Know Fast…” because frankly we dont. The shirts should be just as ridiculous and petty as the forum itself.

That’s what was asked for last time I was designing.

I can make them say / look like whatever we want.

I’m not a fan of that font, wayyy too gothic. And it looks like everything else.

haha +1

Okay, so we want the font more fun…
And black shirts or white?
What do we want them to say, etc…

‘I’m Afraid to Drive My Car So I Go Hang Out At The Lot’ on the front

‘Failvis Debt Enforcement Squad’ - on the back ‘FBI’ style.

Oh, well then it has to be pink lettering…

:rofl @ Jesse

I dont care, I just was sick of reading 10 different threads about people that were gonna make shirts, if you dont want them thats fine too.

‘shift_nutswingers - We have a 911 now!’

‘Ray posts here too!’ on the back

I like it!


can i have one with just Rays pic on it in his uniform?



Considering there really is not a ‘local car scene’, why don’t we stick to actually getting people together on a regular basis, and of course the silly shirts:thumbup

here i made my own.