need help finding youtube vid or song title

someone posted this vid on youtube on one of the many threads here. Tried to search, but came up with nothing.

it might be a “new fad” song…who the hell knows. But its more of an uptempo beat song and it sounds like a retard singing it…literally… you cant understand a single word he says… just sounds like jibberish

i know its not much to go on, but figured if anybody could find it, it would be here.

i love you kevin

I r 4 win

:wtf: is that… why wuld u even wanna listen to that skunk?

haha i had it stuck in my head… and i knew my roomate would laugh at is…and i forgot what it was called

By roommate do you mean life partner?

LMAO not that song,I heard it on someones myspace a few months back and it was stuck in my head for weeks.
