mikeorfareed aint postin cuz he prolly got real tense and BOOTED the computer


nah he’s down in the city suckin mah dick

this thread needs to be locked.


yo kid i need a detail?


Let me know when i kinda want you to take the clear brah off the car its peeling and dirt is getting under it.

oh, Im so scared. Seriously, yeah, scared.


fareedormike you need to just calm the fuck down

“you cant climb in the ring with Ali cuz you think you can box!”

or die in a fire

stay out of state and out of mind

can someone please ask him whats a better motor for my skyline a gallot 12 or a gallot 24?

gallot 24

too bad I already + repped you for something else.

Lock it in brahhhh

no, this aint done yet. The habib isnt done e-thuggin yet

trust me im out of mind… and i am out of state… but what about my state of mind? do you mind what state im in (physically and metaphorically)? and if so… thats gay bro.

ahh thank you now that i know im ready to lock it in for 1000 dollhairs