need job..part time

where is a good place to work…i need a part time job for a little bit of cash flow…i’d like to stay away from food places and grocery stores…

no jobs?

American Sales up on walden.

Your only other possibility is gonna be retail. Maybe landscaping, but by this time of the year, its gonna be harder to find a job with any landscaping company. Retail has such a high turnover rate that there’s always someone looking for part time help. Go walk to the mall and grab an application from ANYWHERE that has a help wanted sign up.

why don’t you start applying places.

Mighty Taco?

delta sonic.

yea something retail, altho retail blows

Do you have a full time job now? And what hours are you looking for?

i’ve been looking for a part time job for a while now…just keep looking in the paper. The Amherst Bee also has some good ones in it.