I am in need of the following part:
General Electric dual round capacitor, model number 97F9803
Description: 5 microfarad fan pole, 25 microfarad motor pole, 370 Volts AC, +/-6% variance, 60 Hz, non-PCB dielectric (DIELEKTROL VI).
Anyone got a line on this part?
talk to bravada442
I’m going out to dinner so I’ll check back later.
If you happen to see or talk to either of these guys in the next hour or so, have’em call me.
talk to bravada442
I will check in our parts department tomorrow and get a price for you.
Can you get me the make, model # and serial # of the condensing unit outside? I want to cross reference to make sure they haven’t issued an updated capacitor that may supercede the number that you have given me.
Sorry to reply to my own thread, but I owe Bravada 442 a beer.
Beautiful. Get the part nice and cheap and everything works out. Glad I could help you. Anything else you need, please feel free to let me know.
JackdUp, I sent you a PM about a price. It was the wrong one. I typed in the wrong letter. I’m showing a price of $8 on that dual round capactitor from the company I sent you to.
Thumbs up on Sean (Bravada442).
Did HVAC on my house and it’s killer at awesome price.
Yeah, we’re all set, I’m installing it now. Thanks guys!
Success! It is making cold air and makes no strange startup noises. You guys just saved me a BUNCH of money. Thanks!!!