Need somebody to rope-tow a vehicle for me...

I don’t feel like renewing my AAA membership to move a vehicle one mile or so…

the vehicle needs to be rope towed from its current location on Walden right across the street from Swerve Motorsports (near transit), to Cemetery Road i believe which is off Walden just past transit…

if necessary i can reimburse you for your time…via 6 pack, reach around, high five, etc…

are u towin ur z from licata’s??



Cemetery is past Central Ave. Its about a 3-5 minute drive under normal conditions.

FuzzyFish is my man…thanks though Nikuk

more than a mile.
probably closer to 5, fyi

you are so cheap. who is swapping it now


:rofl: i thought that car / wing looked familiar

but it figured if anything it would be sitting in 2turboz’s driveway


I kid i kid

Does Brian even touch Jap stuff??

He’s a great mechanic… i’m sure he has before.


lmao i was there a few days ago i thought it looked kinda familiar, why dont you ask russ or someone at the shop? or see if their towing service will do it?