need suggestions, what color rims on white car?

some focals $155 a piece

i dunno. it’s hard to picture wheels on a white GTi-R. black with a little dish is the safe bet.

hey thats not bad. I want deep dish!!! I dont know I want advans

FINALLY! haha, I thought I’d get laughed at if I suggested Green. Green wheels are HAWT!

here are some pics what do you guys think? i want some deep dishes! also comes in bronze and gunmetal and black

I only like these ones. The other two are kindof ugly

i agree i like simple but I also like color lip ADVANS. WHERE CAN I GET DEEP DISH!!?!?

I can get knock off te37s pretty cheap. this is the only thing im going to the outside of the car and maybe cut those black things on the hood and make it a clean scoop.

Those SSR Type X wheels look good. I’d go with black wheels. The Regamaster ripoffs look good too.