needed: Helvetica Fonts

I am at my work computer and just realized that I don’t have the standard Helvetica fonts here. I have to do a few code changes, and I need the Standard grouping of Helvetica, Bold Italic and Bold Italic. The .ttf file is all i need. If anyone has them, and can ZIP then e-mail, please let me know.


Wow I checked and I dont have them either. Wierd.

Generally you wont have them unless you installed a program with them, or all of the photoshop add in fonts. MS replaced it with their version… Arial. My customer doesn’t care for arial and wants Helvetica only.

bump… anyone? I will not have a chance to go home and get them today and i really just want to get this off of my desk!

hey, i can almost guarantee that i have them, i work for a graphic design firm, i bet we have them, PM me your e-mail.

thats what I use for all my fonts, they have virtually everything hope it helps.


scroll down theres a few free helvetica fonts on that page… ctrl+f “helvetica” and it’ll go rite to it

Thanks, but those are two that I knew i could get, and they cause the font to overlap itself when printed. I am really not sure why, but it happens so i deleted them.

you need to kern them so the spacing is correct.

buy a mac :slight_smile:

Problem is, It is part of a imagemagick script, and I can’t justify modifying the entire script to satisfy a font because I want this off my desk. I will just wait until tomorrow and e-mail them to myself tonight.

thanks tom… buy a mac :stuck_out_tongue: I have a hard enough time ordering a high end Dell from my company let alone a friggin mac. they would send me through an interrogation to fill that request!