Never post your pic on the internet...


This is what I’m talking about lol

From the GP thread:

put his hair on her face and no one would know

lol one of the best threads in nyspeed history :tup:

For you Inn-Mike, :lol:

o sweet god yes!

this isnt as good as some of the moshzilla ones ive seen but still pretty good

Haha, this thread never gets old.

Bump… There are still a few good ones in here.

Here are the originals…

Don’t know where the Zoolander one is on my comp, but it’s in this thread :slight_smile:

hahaha… i remember this… great bump

Oh man lol. Good shit.

hahahahah freaking awesome

haha i just :lol: 'd for about 10minutes lmao
nice lolol :rofl:


ghettodax is way too good at photoshop LOL

version 2.0

I wish he was still around :frowning: Between this and the Dr.Phil pic the kid was legendary

haha oh man, it will never die, lol.