new avatar

Does this one better suit everyone? :rolleyes:

Oh dear lord… do you need PM counseling again? :smiley:

If you do, you know where to find me. :kiss:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
Oh dear lord… do you need PM counseling again? :smiley:

If you do, you know where to find me. :kiss:
well i think you know what i meant by that

i hate everyone on here… not just cutty.

so "i hate * " would work better

:love: cutty & sonny

have I missed some e-drama on here as of late?:confused:

Originally posted by VictorSmalls
have I missed some e-drama on here as of late?:confused:
nope, just my response to somthing i saw.

Originally posted by Cutty
well i think you know what i meant by that

I do. :slight_smile:


Im lost

But look at my avatar lol

Originally posted by Mitsugrl97
Im lost

But look at my avatar lol

yup i saw it, right before i made this post :smiley:

I think you both need new avatars… :rolleyes:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
I think you both need new avatars… :rolleyes:

your avatar freaks me out

Originally posted by HaNnIBaL64
your avatar freaks me out

your avatar makes me want to go get laid! BY A FEMALE you assholes!:rolleyes:

Originally posted by TwoForty
your avatar makes me want to go get laid! BY A FEMALE you assholes!:rolleyes:
:bsflag: :bluez28:

awww, poor hannibal. I’ll change it for you… :smiley:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
awww, poor hannibal. I’ll change it for you… :smiley:

to bad we coulnt make an animated version of the bar pic for your avatar. like size it down and make you wiggle your butt or something

If I still had a good (free) animator I could do it… lol.

Originally posted by huskysgrl
If I still had a good (free) animator I could do it… lol.

ask roland… he made me some good ones a year or so ago

Originally posted by huskysgrl
If I still had a good (free) animator I could do it… lol.

yep:eek: :eek3: :bigthumb: