Welcome to the fun…
Holy shit, I know that car from wayyyy back!
LOL WELL, I grew up in Troy, moved from there to Missouri, then Washington, then Baghdad, then DC for a few months, then Maryland, then Sand Lake then Jacksonville, FL for a while… then back to Sand Lake and now I’m in Amsterdam until I get the money saved to buy a house in Rotterdam.
I’m pretty well traveled… Amsterdam doesn’t scare me. lol
Thanks for moving it for me… I was OBVIOUSLY a little confused when I posted it in the first place. lol
looks down Yup… boobs, I’m definitely rocking DD’s…
checks in pants Also check…
I think that qualifies me to be a CHICK, and if you really REALLY want pictures, you should check my profile.
I kinda like the mirror tint, it needs to be re-done though. I just bought it this past April like that, I’m still paying it off. (my mom’s boyfriend worked out a payment plan with me) So I think maybe this coming summer I’ll do a bit to her cosmetically… I’m thinking about adding a different shade green flames or a chameleon paint kinda design… not sure.
Holy quadruple post Batman! :lol
Army girl all the way, the Marine recruiter was to busy blowing smoke up my ass to actually recruit me, so I told him he was a retard and left. lol
Hahah… I haven’t been on in FOREVER so I’m trying to respond to my adoring public (lmao jk)… it’s taking me a few posts, but I’m ALMOST done.
My baby is away for the winter, I can’t even get to her to get my fucking CD’s out of the car. Damn the bad luck. lol
Maybe this summer you’ll give me a chance to kick your ass. lol jk
I don’t like to race her, but every once in a while some stupid ass tries to prove how much bigger their cars balls are than mine… usually they lose cuz their rocking an beat up piece of crap they equipped with a fart can and some extra air intake… and nothing else… lol
sniffle sniffle tears You called me a bitch… you cunt.
haha jp jp
What’s up chic?
Welcome to the site!! :thumb
I’ll stab your tires… my car is not a hoopty.:wierd
Where do you know my car from???
Welcome, please familiarize yourself with our Multi-Quote system to avoid posting like nineteen times. :rofl
Why don’t you familiarize me with it, cuz I’m technologically challeneged. lol I’m a smart cookie, but when it comes to computers all I know how to do is type really really fast, and check my e-mail. lol
and hit on doods on dating sites.:ninja
Just start at the first post you want to quote by hitting multi quote in that post, and keep hitting multi quote for every post you want to quote until the last post, by hitting the regular quote button it will collect all of the quotes into one post, and you can respond accordingly.
+1 to you for being a good sport! :lol
I was in the Army (again) and I was a military police officer.
Welcome to shift.
i like the fucking ballsack she carries… whos was it… WELCOME, much needed here!!
I heard there are chixzzz in herez.
:ninja where?