new Clutch ?

I need to replace my clutch and flywheel.
anyone have any suggestions?

Im looking for a complete clutch kit.
price would help too

thanks in advance

for what motor? most people have had good luck with spec stage 2 or3 clutches. I use an act and it works good. Let us know the application and we can help.

sorry about no engine info.
stock ka24de

it depends what you plan on doing with the car, if you are doing a swap in the future you should jsut replace the clutch with another factory applictaion. if you plan on doing ka-t you might want a clutch with more holding power and now would be a good time to upgrade to a spec 2 or 3 like Jason said.

thanks alot guys
just wandering what price range i would be looking at for oem clutch kit.
i think ill be doing a swap some time in the future so oem will do for now.
i would love to do a ka24de-t but my KA is way to many km (210,000)

why dont you do a compresion test? if the compresion is good then why not? if you blow it up theres ka’s sitting around everywhere!!

good idea. :smiley:
where is a good and reliable place to get a compression test done?
also do you have info on building a KA24de-t?
its always been in the back of my mind.
i want to do something for sure.

thanks for all your info and help

compresion tests are easy to do, you just need the tool if you have any buddies that ware mechanics they can get there hands on them, or part source might rent them.

as far as ka-t goes check out all you qustions can be answered there.