New daily (e46 inside) help me pick out wheels

2000 323ci

Silver, coupe (obviously), 5 speed, 92k, Dinan exhaust and Dinan CF intake. Anyone have any suggestions of what to look out for problem wise? Also find me a sweet set of wheels, nothing chrome or black.

Will have pics when it’s not dark. Or maybe I’ll go take some now.

Get some BBS RS-GT’s in Diamond black finish.

I’d own a set but they dont make them wide enough for me :frowning:

another car?? what happend to the Titan?

great wheel for $850-950 each.
RSGT’s are teh hotness.

By far my favorite rim ever…

tc to bmw = hotttt congratz

everybody is gonna tell u to get rims that cost 3-4k per set… im personally saving up for some BBS LM’s

for that car i would suggest some CSL reps

put some $4k rims on a $10k car :bloated:

why did you get rid of the titan already?

you dont need uber light expensive wheels…get some replica something or others just to look hot like skunk did :tup: good pick up

Yeah BBS RGRs look great, but they are very expensive. Keep you eyes open on ebay and all the bimmer forums for used rims if you dont want to pay 3k+

CSL Rep’s from

I like the finish on the ones from Umnitza more than VM.

Personal choice, I tend to like darker wheels.

When I was browsing for some RS-GT’s I found a used set in pretty much perfect condition for 1700 on an Audi forum. Of course that was over a year ago.

I tend to agree with Mike, I like darker wheels. Especially on a silver e46.

Those were either a smaller diameter or did not include tires. Most used RS-GT sets in 18 or19" audi fitment run about $2500-3000 w/tires.

Tires were pretty beat. 18"

Tires dont mean much of anything when selling wheels. I sold my last set of CCW’s for $200 less (then asking price) when I pulled $1000+ in tires off of them.

i think i love these

anyone willing to do a generic photoshop of these onto a silver e46?

Everyone rocks the Msports…they look nice tho.