New Family Guy Episode


North by North Quahog

need to register to download

hope its not a repost

watched it today, very very good!

best thread ive seen all month. Good job halo

i am watching it right now, i will upload it for all the pittspeed folk tonite…

u fucking rock

i want to see it

good find, thanks!

fucking terrible, i laughed a few times… if the episodes are going to be like this they will get cancelled again real fast.

I hate corporate name dropping, its just fucking annoying after a while

awww, cmon! It wasnt terrible. It was good, but i’ll admit it was a little bit off the standard. Also you gotta figure that ones expectations for that episode are pretty high. As far as them getting cancelled, no way. The fan base they have now is off the charts. First show to ever come back from being cancelled due to DVD sales and syndication popularity.

But I did also notice the corporate name dropping, it was quite annoying.

i love family guy, its one of my favorite shows, i have seen every episode at least twice. and if there are more people like me out there that didn’t think the show was funny people will turn it off quite quickly

We used to cruise around and have the Family Guy box set playing in my buddy’s car. I got hooked on that show over those few months. This episode was humorous, but fell short of the amazingly funny show I was hoping for. I laughed a few times, but never lost my breath like I was hoping. Oh well, I’ll still watch it again when it comes on for real.


thanks whitey

now, did you genuinely think that it wasnt funny, or do you think it wasnt that funny for a Family Guy episode?

edit: I just watched it again. Definately seemed on par with all the other episodes. It had a couple :hsugh: jokes, but the rest were great.

I own the DVD’s and have seen every eppy a few times. I would agree with darkstar on this one :slight_smile:

I like it. I was hooked on family guy back when it was first on fox and no one seemed to be into it. I couldnt understand why no one wanted to watch it. I wouldnt mind Futurama coming back too.

it did not meet my expectations, and like i said the name dropping drove me nuts…

between current events, businesses and people…

here is the list of name drops

passion of the christ
Bed Bath and Beyond
Honey Mooners
Michael Moore
2 and a Half Men
George Lopez
Caddy Shack
GI Joe
Total Cereal
Chris Tucker
Blues Brothers
Yosemite Sam
Invasion of Iraq
Mt Rushmore
Cape Cod

the ones with stars are the only ones that seemed forced. Family Guy has always been a topical show with lots of pop-culture references… You must hate South Park…

werd. I bought both DVD sets the day they were released. Go me.