New guy on the site

Hey My names Adam and i’m originally from Rochester. I’m 19 and I graduated from Fairport in '05 and i’m currently going to Universal Technical Institute for automotive tech in Exton, PA (about 30 miles west of philadelphia, i go to school 5 days a week, 6 hours a day, all year round, i started in august '05 and go until december this year) and plan on sticking around here for a few years while i get some dealership experience (most likely at a ford dealer) going and then who knows where i’ll end up. i do like rochester better then PA, but i’ve kinda settled down here and am fairly comfortable with where i’m going so i don’t want to mess that up.
As far as Cars go i’m kinda broad as far as what i like. i used to be all about “muscle cars” and the big bad american “bigger is better” stuff, but once i saw what was out there i kinda settled down a bit and realized that theres some cool stuff in just about every automotive genre to apreciate. its kind of a little goal in the back of my mind to either build or own as many genre’s of vehicle as possible.
i currently drive a '95 honda civic CX hatchback. the things a beast, its teal with a mostly completed interior, the 1.5L SOHC 8 valve motor that makes about 72 horsepower at the crankshaft (well it did when it was new). in a couple months i’ll be taking a “hot rod” class and they let us have access to the school’s dyno, so i’ll let you all know if it actually puts 50whp down or not, i’m not sure if it will. i hate that the car is slow but 40 mpg is amazing.
my current project (i’ve had one in one form of another since i was in middleschool, back in the days of lawn mowers and minibikes) is a 1990 eagle talon TSi AWD, i bought it as a shell for $300 and i’m currently too poor to piece it together, i have a block sitting in my civic (too lazy to move it) and the internals and some other misc parts in my closet, most of the other misc parts are still with the car with the kid i bought it from. hopefully that will fall together sometime after i graduate (maybe before springtime?!)
other cars i’ve owned (in order from first to last)
-72 lincoln continental mark 4 (bought cheap for a project car, still have the motor, but the frame was rotted out so i junked it)
-94 saturn SC2 (hand me down from my sister, first real car, learned to drive on it)
-85 camaro IROC Z (sold the saturn and bought this, learned most of my basic automotive knowledge on this vehicle, also where every dime of my money in highschool went)
-96 geo tracker 4x4(hand me down from my other sister, winterbeater while camaro went under the knife)
-91 eagle talon TSi AWD (sold the tracker for this, couldnt stand that thing, remained stock but none the less i caught the DSM bug from this thing, now i want more, stupid money pits, such a love hate relationship, ended up selling it due to a bent frame and bought the civic)

so yeah, sorry for the book, but i get carried away when i get going. so yeah, i was told to check out this site in wake of the destructionof the last forum i was on ( via the immature punks who see the fast and the furious and automatically think they like cars. i’m here because i purely enjoy the automotive culture and would like a fresh non-polluted view of the car scene.

that was a book :slight_smile:


You’re very comprehensive.

:slight_smile: welcome.

welcome indeed

i start wyotech in october…

Nice intro. Welcome aboard :tup:

:word: welcome :wave:

Hahaha welcome but i think everyone here pullutes the car scene and are ball riders on either the fast imports or fast domestics…

Whats up Adam, you still haven’t done much with that dsm shell spano has?


< Dirtye30 Says: is UTI all its cracked up to be? welcome


welcome :wave:

I didn’t read all of that. But welcome

Yo yo yo

Hi Adam:cool:

hey guys thanks for the welcome!

eh, i didn’t mean it like that i don’t care if your into one certain type of car, thats obviously going to happen, what i meant is less if the immature, unknowlageable highschool kids who think show up to car meets in their insert baller status car here that their daddy bought them and assume they can be cocky because they suddenly know everything there is to know about cars.

hellllloooooooo steve burke! nah, i havn’t had time to touch the DSM while i’ve been at school and completely broke, i’ve went on a parts buying bindge when i sold the camaro but now i’ve gone dry with funding so that project came to a screeching hault. should be able to pick it up in december

yes and no, the teachers are cool, but all the political bullshit that comes with the school beeing a corperation is not. and i hate 99% of the students. what happens is there are a few kids there who go because they enjoy working on cars and learning about cars and this is what they want to do for a living. but the majority of kids there go because they have no options left, they barrely passed highchool and can’t get into college, and they tell their parents about UTI and they get all excited because it sounds like the kid is actually going to do something right in their life for once so they finance them and ship them to tech school. this is the point where the student acts like its normal college and parties all the time and just screws around in class and is just a bother and a hindrance to others. that part SUCKS.
but i do learn a hell of a lot of information there, and having the wide range of experienced teachers should really help out when i get shoved into the real world.

Whattup, I think I’m going to be back down there mid october bitch. Oh yeah, and DSM’s blow.


hey there, welcome aboard! :wave:

my room mate graduated from Fairport in '05

btw Welcome :wave: