New hood...

Yeah, as said before… the rims have to go. It looks way to “ricey” to me.

I’m also more of an OEM fan, but the hood looks good nonetheless.


Get it color-matched. Also, it’s really hard to look at the hood without a good pic of it.

hood looks ok

wheels look like dog doodoo

the lines on the hood don’t really flow well on the car…sorry

No worries on the wheels… They are gone for next year.

These did the job after I bent two, fuckin buffalo roads, lol. Plus money has been alittle tight this year… :meh:

Def getting a nice set of Volks. either TE 37’s or CE 28’s. I havnt decided yet on the set up.

i would go with the TE 37s they so nice. ur not driving it this winter r u?

Not all winter, but I take it out every now and then… Its way too much fun not to take it out after a fresh snowfall before the plows hit the roads.

lol yea i bet. ur name is Pat right?

Nope, My name is Mike. lol Nice to meet ya.

Hood looks nice man. Get some bronze TE 37s:eekdance:

lol. but played hockey with Ed and Dave Coley right?

do not want, and the wheels are ugly also :frowning:


Looks good. Would look better painted.

Volks :tup:

Just stay away from the time attack look. I vote Bronze as well.

I like the time attack Te’s. I think the black and red would look killer.

Well it is your car, but Bronze would look hottttttttt