New Intel Logos

they look cool, not too different but ya gotta change it up a little every now and then

i dont see the logo

LOL! i had that problem too! but then i clicked the link in the OP’s post and omg! it took me to a website that had a pic of it

its weird how those links work

i dont see it either.

what the hell, now i dont see them either

coincidentally i now feel like a dicknose

feelin like ray charles

Intel took the pictures down because aparently they are sneaky secret!! I should have copied it when I had the chance… DOH!!

I want to see it…damn it!

look in your cache files. post it up.

are these the pics?

Good idea, I should have thought of that. My geek must be slipping…

you mean i can look in cache and see teh old pr0n?

^^ you could. it’s kind of tough unless you know what you’re looking for though…


Intel = teh gay

thats what i do all day at work :tspry:

well, at least this thread was usefull for something…
