New-ish Member


Too bad 1 idiot has to try and ruin my thread lol.

Anyways I’m up for riding with any of you guys other that the above mentioned because he has a habit of going down and taking other bikes with him.

In one 1, and with 2 posts no less…

Oh my god. A girl on a car forum.
Maybe if I post in her thread she will post nudes…

Oh it’s my fault you have a history with members on here? You’re a huge whore and Brian fucked over both people mentioned. Excuse me for bringing light to a situation that affected many good friends of mine. I just find it odd that my bike gets posted for sale and you somehow manage to “sign up” and post a muckraking comment then proceed to say “Oh hi everyone it’s meeee!”

Boxxa, if you want Kelly that bad, just say so, we’ll all put in a good word for you :slight_smile:

History with members on here??? You’re the ONLY person I have an issue with. Oh and I’ve been on here a while just saw you trying to sell a bike thats had clutch issues and figured you should be open with everyone like a DECENT person, you explained yourself and the issue so done. How dare you come into my thread and attempt drama, you’re pathetic. Stop calling me a whore because I’m not, you know NOTHING about the situation so you should keep your freaking mouth shut… Bri didn’t screw over ANYONE so STFU and stick to the things you actually know something about.

Sorry guys if I were a huge whore as Chris is implying I would post nudes, but I’m not, so sorry no nudes lol

Oh look, she’s angry now.

I’m not selling a broken bike, but good job keeping creepy tabs on me/my life via other people’s Facebooks.

Nope not angry laughing at how pathetic you are actually, and someone else was the one who filled me in on your bike and love life since you actually have me blocked on fb so I can’t even see your stuff lol

Pot, meet kettle.

Play nice kids. OR…
Is it worse that I remembered that cell from reading that comic in the early 90s?

right back at ya, since you know so much about me and my life…

maybe you should take your own advice and not worry about other peoples business.

oh and thanks for deleting and ip banning me from 716. normally a donating member would have to actually do something wrong to get banned, but I guess you get to do whatever you want over there.

Can we ban her yet for no nudes? The drama women bring with them are so annoying. We all know Motocross is a stand-up guy so none of us are worried about him screwing someone over with his sale. You on the other hand have ZERO credibility. ::cheers::

OMG lol and yes its worse that you remembered it from reading it. I wasnt looking for drama here, but I’m also not going to be called a hoe and whore without saying something about it

Well, then don’t be one? Idk what you want me to say…the fact of the matter is you’re a home wrecker. How else would you like to describe it, Ashley?


LOL nice thumbs up Tim you of all people should be happy since she’s with you now. Too bad she couldn’t keep Brian happy, hope you’re having better luck with her…

Brian just likes to use people. You will find out soon enough. I know way too much about him that I even care to know.