new kid on the block with no cool car to show off

Shout outs to all, I’m James from Toronto and I do not own a snazzy coupe or hb, but a hand-me-down '96 maxima GXE with tons of rust and close to 300,XXX KM’s :smiley:

HOWEVER, I am in all seriousness in the market for a 95-98 S14, been doing my noobie research ever since… anyway it’s been a long time, and that is my dream car.

welcome man!

Good luck with your search and remember to take your time!


lol, now theres two james’ from toronto :stuck_out_tongue:
welcome to teh club

JESUS, nice Z you got there…I can almost compare that to a woman. So close to staining my pants, AND IM AT WORK!

Thanks and see you around.

Welcome Welcome

Welcome man! maximas are sexy though. vg30 ftmfw!

I believe the Maxima had the first rendition of the VQ at 3.0Litres from 1995 to 2001/2002??.
Before that most had the VE with some VGs running around.

Two words:

yeah i would say you’re dead on… she still pulls @ 190hp, slightly heavy, but again, shes still got some juice left in her… but anyway… when and where do meets happen? (maybe i should be looking on the forums somewhere…)

sorry scratch the last part of the preceeding post… there’s a meet section. nvm