New Lotus exhaust (Video with sound clips)

More mixed reviews than I thought…

As far as it not sounding exotic, or like a Ferrari, it never did. These cars are 4 cylinders. A 4 cylinder can’t really sound exotic (at least to me). Personally I love it. It def has a, “Hi, I’m a race car,” kind of sound. And it is loud. And it pops and burbles, A LOT. But to me, it’s phenomenal. I still have my old exhaust, so no big deal, if I decide to go quieter again. To answer a few ?'s:

Violater, I think you seriously need to hear it in person. You may change your sentiment. Maybe not, either way, you’re alright with me, no big deal, haha.

Jager, it is not bad to work on at all. PM me anytime, we’ll go for a ride…

Theblue, while I think it kind-of has a boxer sound to it, I like it still, a lot, but honestly, 4 cylinder Esprits never sounded “classy.”

Newman, a tandem Lotus video of disturbing the peace sounds right up my alley, I’m in…