New Lotus exhaust (Video with sound clips)

I heard it idling at mighty weds night and it sounded badass in person

More mixed reviews than I thought…

As far as it not sounding exotic, or like a Ferrari, it never did. These cars are 4 cylinders. A 4 cylinder can’t really sound exotic (at least to me). Personally I love it. It def has a, “Hi, I’m a race car,” kind of sound. And it is loud. And it pops and burbles, A LOT. But to me, it’s phenomenal. I still have my old exhaust, so no big deal, if I decide to go quieter again. To answer a few ?'s:

Violater, I think you seriously need to hear it in person. You may change your sentiment. Maybe not, either way, you’re alright with me, no big deal, haha.

Jager, it is not bad to work on at all. PM me anytime, we’ll go for a ride…

Theblue, while I think it kind-of has a boxer sound to it, I like it still, a lot, but honestly, 4 cylinder Esprits never sounded “classy.”

Newman, a tandem Lotus video of disturbing the peace sounds right up my alley, I’m in…

you DEFINITELY didn’t get pulled over enough before…

now you might though…

i love it at WOT, but hate it at idle. it sounds very poppy and choppy at idle going by the video, i would have to hear it in person

If there was a civic that sounded like this everyone would make jokes and say it sounded like shit… thats all I’m saying…

Right, thanks for your input Walter. As always, it’s good to see you shitting yet another worthwile post in one of my threads.

It kinda reminds me of an SRT4 sound.

Which is good, because SRT4s sound like sex with the burbble

However, I wonder how loud it is in the car.

I agree with violator. I think something more refined would fit the car better…

But if you like it then thats cool.

I’m not 100% sold… I understand it’s a 4 cyclinder, so it will obviously sound different than the V8 or a Ferrari (totally different). I’d have to hear it in person, but right now I’d have to give it a

Maybe the video doesn’t do it justice. Off the cuff, I think a resonator or too would change things for the better.

But, as long as you are happy Joe, :tup:

siqq joe sounds secksy


Maybe the video doesn’t do it justice. Off the cuff, I think a resonator or too would change things for the better.

But, as long as you are happy Joe, :tup:


Honestly Rick, it sounds great in person, ask anyone that’s heard it live.

Also, I think you guys need to realize, it doesn’t sound THAT much different than a stock 4 cylinder Esprit. They ARE raspy, poppy, and bubbly stock.

Only difference now is that, it is all that same stuff, just intensified, ie. burbles and pops a little more, and has that same, but more harsh raspiness/meanness.

I figured as much, 4 cylinder is going to sound a certain way no matter what you do. Maybe I’ll check it out this weekend if I stumble over to Mighty and you are there.

It really doesn’t sound much different than before…it’s just real loud now.


Right, thanks for your input Walter. As always, it’s good to see you shitting yet another worthwile post in one of my threads.


Just because I didn’t :cjerk: doesn’t mean you have to be all hypocritical. I don’t like it, you can’t argue that, and if you didn’t want to hear that you shouldn’t have posted it.

I stand by my comment, that if someone posted something else that sounded that bad everyone would say so. Its cool if you like it, lots of people like things I don’t, like sex with members of the same sex, however I can’t stand 90% of what most people think sounds “sick”.

Good job getting your panties in a wad and being all defensive instead of just breezing past my post.

I think it sounds like poop, if it sounds the same as it used to, just louder, then I stand corrected… it always sounded like poop, and it now sounds like loud poop.

If you can’t stomach that, blame it on my speakers. :bloated:

I’m not so sure I like the sound at idle, but it sounds pretty awesome when you’re romping on it, and that’s all that matters :wink:


lots of people like things I don’t, like sex with members of the same sex,


i loled


this is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.

I really dont like it.
I think it sounds like neon or something with loud exhaust.
I think those cars should have more of refined sound to them. Ferrariish if you will. To me loud, raspy, crap doesnt belong on that car.
That sound just reminds me of some domestic shitox with exhaust.
Even the idle doesnt sound good to me. It has a gutted “cheap” race car feel to it. Your Lotus is not a stripped down race car and certainly does not Look or Feel cheap.

That exhaust would fit a Camaro or Mustang or something but not a Lotus in my opinion.

You have a really beautiful car and I simply think that does not really fit.

Once again this is just my opinion so dont take offense.
Your car so whatever makes you happy in the end.




Just because I didn’t :cjerk: doesn’t mean you have to be all hypocritical. I don’t like it, you can’t argue that, and if you didn’t want to hear that you shouldn’t have posted it.

I stand by my comment, that if someone posted something else that sounded that bad everyone would say so. Its cool if you like it, lots of people like things I don’t, like sex with members of the same sex, however I can’t stand 90% of what most people think sounds “sick”.

Good job getting your panties in a wad and being all defensive instead of just breezing past my post.

I think it sounds like poop, if it sounds the same as it used to, just louder, then I stand corrected… it always sounded like poop, and it now sounds like loud poop.

If you can’t stomach that, blame it on my speakers. :bloated:


It’s just how you always come off with your posts. To compare it to a Civic at all is just ridiculous. I can only hope you realize the difference, and were just trying to be a dick as usual. You don’t have to like it, but comparing it to a Civic makes utterly no sense.

I’m not 100% sold either, HOWEVER, I think that has more to do with quicktime + my shitty speakers I’m rocking out to right now (moved my stereo to the apartment in Buffalo :lol:) The car sounded like SEX before, and I’m sure with slightly less back pressure and a bit of a race car loudness there is no downside to this. I cant wait to hear it in person. If you wanna shoot some more vid this weekend I’d be more than happy to assist :slight_smile:


You don’t have to like it, but comparing it to a Civic makes utterly no sense.


Actually it does. It’s a 4 cyl. engine Joe. Just like the civic, the 4g63, etc. etc.

The comparison is valid because it sounds similar.

I just listened to a clip with the stock exhaust note, and honestly I liked the stock piping exhaust note a bit better. But I still want to hear the new exhaust up close before making a final opinion.