New Member ... kbizz911


Stripper names ftw

jiggs right there

where are the mother fucking pix!

fuck you bob

no prob jiggs

your car is gonna blow up on the dyno

atleast he’s got a car. And a license

i do have a car paul. stop hating

well then get a license and drive it.

Somebody post a pic of these girls.

mmmm schluts fo moneys… yaaa

my car doesnt have a top! doesnt run! and doesnt have a turbo! pick me pick me! :rofl

i haz a motorcycle. does that get me any credits for this game?

i also have a turbo car in the garage next to my bike

You are a star candidate for kbizz’ Boy of the Week status, “Mk4 30R.”

Is this the gal that was at Edinburg with Joey?

Just turned signatures and avatars back on (had them off for shitty school internet) and saw your sig, how long have you had that you fucker? :haha:haha:haha:haha

LOL. I dont know… months now dude.

check neg.