Its all yours, whenever you need it
holy cp
So what’s going on in this thread? :rofl
nothing really, without an epic story of this girl there’s nothing to talk about
This one time, i saw this girl, fully clothed, it was crazy
ok kbizz ,i have a big turbzzz car for this weekend ya game ?
there has to be suttin good out there . joey cough it up man lol:lol
Damn Slow, stop walking around with your red rocket hanging out. It’s embarrassing…
Joey spill the beans
kbizz is a teeny bopper that loves drama and the dick. She loves guys with turbo hondas/acuras. She has a TWIN that is even more mint !!! MY VOTE NIKKI FTW KBIZZ FTL.
I have been hearing rumor’s about this Nikki character
one word…
These pictures should be in the cp thread
are their pics im not seeing ?
No cause daluke is holding out
lmao tons of you are friends with her on fb … post em up
not cool lol
If shes over 16 I dont want to see pics