New Microsoft commercial? W/Jerry Seinfeld

wtf? lol

I saw that yesterday. It has the take on a Seinfeld episode in that it is about NOTHING. I did like the cake part.

yeah pretty funny

Really awful.

I had a bunch of people over for the game yesterday and no one liked it.

But here we are, talking about it, so I guess it was a success.


I enjoy utterly useless commercials.

I believe they are going to be making a few like this…

But hey it leads towards the future promise of tasty computing. :tup:

newest one, lol funny

I do like the part where he’s feeling Gates’ shoe and says

“Is that your toe?”
Gates - “No.”
Jerry - “Well then… what is it?”

“its leather”

HAHAHAHA the new one is great !!

:clap: lol @ the giraffe

good ad campaign :tup:

Jerry - “I got so many cars, I get stuck in my own traffic.” :lol:

Haha. Funny stuff. I was so fucking confused when I first saw the first one. “What the fuck did I just see?”

I think it’s M$ trying to dodge the image of the fat middle aged dude in the poorly fitting suit from the Mac commercials.

hahah awesome

They aren’t doing anything to combat the misinformation from mac though. You figure MS would be able to afford a top notch advertising team. They are just kinda dangling keys going “look, look, you like the shiny, look”. Cause honestly I’m not the biggest fan of Windows. But its not half as bad as mac makes it sound. I mean in one of their commercials they made it sound like a PC is no where near capable of even watching videos and playing music, that PCs were only good for office software.

I did enjoy the Mojave project with Microsoft, I thought they would have commercials based on that.

more appropriate:

newest commercial, I think they’re on the right track of proposing that people think for themselves instead of falling for gimmicky advertising (but then again, if they did, then they would be)