new one...


Oh my god I think I shit my self from laughter

that was quite humorous

god damn that guy is funny

Impressive as usual. I like the fact that he published it to the newspaper at the end hahahahaha.

This. Is. AWESOME :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

He had me at “perestroika bread lines” :rofl

If you guys only knew

Oh man that was his best one yet. I love the fact that the store owner contacted him first, bitching about the ad. LOL

The master.

I would love to read his “reject” stories.

wow thats freaking great.

Those are hillarious.

I like the foggot one where he says " dont bother emailing me back" and he replies with “yes you will” and the kid who says he wont read it replies with " no i wont" :rofl :rofl

“I assumed ollie was short for oliver, just like Anton is short for an average human”

I almost spit out my drink!

:rofl So good. Never disappoints.

great read :slight_smile:
sidenote: i DESPISE snow

Holy balls the line about the Perestroika bread line looking like a few friends having a chat KILLED ME ahahaha