no biggie… I was just calling it like I seen it, that’s all. I never realized you can’t put that big of a dish on a 4th gen, I just thought u meant its a massive dish in general.
4th gen plus 3rd gen rear end plus right offset wheels = huge dish
i went the other way… 3rd gen with 4th gen rear = no dish
Third gen offsets suck ass. :’(
its all good
that picture is in shaler highlands.
car looks good.
blah wheels
I like them.
sorry, havn’t been on in a while. It is the stock rearend in the 4th gen. When you look at them in person you can tell that the hub is sticking out a little past where the spokes hit the rim. Thanks for all the compliments. If you dont like them thats fine, its your opinion. I like them because they are a road race style rim. Everyone has the TT2s and corvette wheels on their f-bodies. I live in Shaler Highlands, but I work in North Carolina for the time being. Thats probably why you dont see my car too often.