New pittspeed server!!

on its way!

2u kick ass tyan motherboard w/ dual 100base-tx 3coms nics, built in video, dual amd 2200mhz chips, 1 5 1/4 cdrom / hddd bay 4 hot swap drive bays, high end power supply, 1gb Registered DDR Ram, and 2 200gb SATA Drives in a RAID 0+1

this will replace the current pittspeed box, the current box is doing fine… but was never really built to be a server. it will get put down taken apart and come back as maybe a video/server/web for you people to have your own individual accounts to host whatever you want!

2u kick ass tyan motherboard w/ dual 100base-tx 3coms nics, built in video, dual amd 2200mhz chips, 1 5 1/4 cdrom / hddd bay 4 hot swap drive bays, high end power supply, 1gb Registered DDR Ram, and 2 200gb SATA Drives in a RAID 0+1


i have no idea what any of that means, but it sounds cool


Awesome, I would have went for the 2201mhz chips, but I’m sure the 2200mhz will kick ass! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :kekegay:

:confused: english my son english!


I saw the word chip in there. I think that’s one of this little electronic things with pins sticking out of it that makes the computer work.

nice :cool:

0+1 data redundency pwnz … sounds like a decent box!!! woot :blue:

RAID 5 will be the next setup, but for now RAID 0+1 with 200gb SATA drives will work

i run 0+1 os and 5 data store… it’s good either way, just have ‘more’ space with 5… sweet deal …

Dan the man is hooking me up with the server, so its all good… he has been testing it at 100% the past week… and no failures. seems like a good box is on its way!

:bigok: now we’ll be able to handle all the new WOW 2005 users :slight_smile:

I’m with you.

You have any plans for the hot swap bays? Like maybe archiving video threads and putting up “Oldies but Goodies” every now and then?

Having the redundancy is going to be a plus too. The company I work for is entirely electronic and certain parts of it have no redundancy - which is just asking for murphy’s law to pay a visit.

Any idea how loud it is going to be?

11ty billion decibels

yeah… it sits in a server room, not worried about loud so much… but it will be quite noisy

i want to make a data store large enough that i don’t need to archive vids, that i will be able to just keep growing them up and up… maybe i will be able to one day afford a NAS to connect to and just keep growing it!